Studio Art Quilt Associates

Thursday, September 1, 2011

SAQA 2011 Benefit Auction.

Greetings All,

In only a few weeks our annual SAQA 2011 Benefit Auction will begin! I probably should use my space here to emphasize repeatedly that the Auction is our single most important fundraising event of the year, but I'm too excited about the artwork on display in our website to talk about fundraising.
Can you believe it? More than 300 small-format quilts by our members are being offered. Thank you to all the talented, generous people who donated artwork. I have my eye on at least four pieces and only hope that I can control my bidding fever in September. This year I am thinking of trying to create a "theme wall" by purchasing several quilts that could hang together effectively. The "dream collections" of nine quilts each, being curated online from the auction site, are inspiring me to think thematically. Go ahead and select your own "dream collection," and bid early to have a chance to build it with the actual quilts!

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