Studio Art Quilt Associates

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Clairan - Updates

It's been really busy around here!

1) My website has been updated. HURRAY!! From "Galleries" click on
new work to see what I've been doing lately:

2) I have work in the HGA Conversion 2010 exhibit "Small Expressions"
in Albuquerque, NM at the Convention Center from 22-25 July.

3) The detail above is from "The Darkness Surrounds Us," a piece
commissioned by Carol Saller. It was first shown at the Gerald Ford
Presidential Library in Grand Rapids, MI, and now has been accepted at
the highly prestigious Art Quilts Lowell exhibit at the Brush Gallery,
Lowell, MA 11 August - 11 September 2010.

4) Two of my pieces will be part of an exhibit "Thirteen Ways of
Looking at a Blackbird," which I curated for my exhibiting group Fiber
Artists Coalition (FAC), at the Charlevoix Circle of Arts, Charlevoix,
MI 17 July - 19 September.

4) Another exhibit I curated for FAC, Some Like It Hot, will be at
Simply Chicago Art in Evanston, IL 4-26 September. Please join me at
the opening reception, September 4, 1-5 pm 1318 Oakton Street
Evanston, IL 60202 (847) 738-0716.

5) Several of my pieces can be seen in the exhibit Midwest Meditations
at the Bloomingdale Park District Museum, Bloomingdale, IL 11 Sept -
23 Oct. Opening reception 2-4 pm on 19 Sept.

6) One of my pieces, "Last Conversation" is in Lark Books "500 Art
Quilts." This is a beautiful book and I'm honored to be part of it.

Finally, I spent a week in Columbus, OH recently, taking a Master
Class at QSDS with Judy Hooworth. It was fantastic, I constructed 4
pieces there that I can't wait to quilt!




  1. This was the first time I went through your blog--and felt compelled to comment: lovely, lovely, lovely!

  2. Congratulations Clairan on an extremely busy summer and fall with exhibitions. The excitement is very evident in your writing. Looking forward to seeing your new work also.
